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Società Agricola Agribiotech S.S.

The Agribiotech farm was founded in 2016 by four brothers to continue a family tradition of more than half a century in agriculture. The history of the family tradion began in the 1950s with the agrarian reform desired by the Ministry of Agriculture and with the assignment of the land unit No. 920 of the farm called 'Cavaliere' in the year 1956. This fund is located in the countryside of the Cutro (KR) municipality with hilly characteriscs, rises from 40 to 80 meters above sea level, and is only 3 km from the Ionian Sea. It originated the farm in the 1950s and is located in a small natural valley among the clay hills of the Cutro area, protected from the cold tramontana winds and open to the sea breeze in summer. The peculiar characteriscs of the land, linked to the Greek origin of the town's own name 'Cutro', i.e. Kyterion (town of clay), make the fund very special with difficult workability but, at the same time, excellent fertility. The first allotment later expanded with other agricultural land, was devoted to the production of cereals, especially durum wheat of the Senatore Cappelli variety that has made the town of Cutro famous for its excellent durum wheat bread. The second generation of the family expands the area and its production by building a vineyard. For almost thirty years, they continued with cereal and wine production until the firrst decade of the 2000s, when their land was given over to cultivation by third parties. In 2016, at the behest of the four brothers belonging to the third family generation, the decision to take over the farm was made again and steer it toward the natural evolution of the third millennium. Thus AgriBioTech was born, a farm whose name specifies the objectivies the young partners set themselves: Organic and Technological Agriculture. Thus AgriBioTech was born, with the aim of investing in the environment, quality, and new consumer demands. AgriBioTech is committed to five main objectives: zero chemistry (replacement of chemical fertilizers with organic compost), zero pesticides/herbicides (use of organic and mechanical techniques), zero km (0 km products, grown and processed in-house), zero water consumption (use of harvested rainwater and climate monitoring) and zero polluting emissions (use of renewable energy). After the conversion phase in 2019, the farm begins to diversify its production. Pomegranates, a mixed orchard for internal processing, snail farming, pulses cultivation, and extra virgin olive oil production are introduced. Extensive use is also made of internally produced humus as fertilizer.
Via Antonio Pacinotti n° 10
88842 Cutro (Crotone)
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